Each idea listed below contains a reference image and a short description. You can click on the images to enlarge each image to see the highlighted part more clearly.

Place the page titles in the centre and the CTA buttons on the right, to make these buttons stand out in the navigation menu


Insert a relevant icon beside each menu title to add some flair to your navigation menu


Add an arrow or symbol beside the text within your call-to-action button to attract the attention of your visitors.


Create a space above the navigation menu to share important announcements or updates with your visitors. The announcements could include new features, a new blog post, or a product launch


Use contrasting colours to the text and background in your navigation menu, to make it stand out from the header section


Draft your headline title in a large and bold font.


Highlight relevant keywords in your header description to make your visitors pay closer attention.


Modify the colour of keywords in your tagline to match your brand colour in the message.


Highlight the keyword in your header message with a different colour and underline it.


Underline the keyword on your header message.


Present important information or facts that will make the visitor more confident in signing up. For example, use facts such as '30-day free trial' , 'No credit card required' or 'Sign up in 1 minute'


Use key facts with icons in your header section to enhance credibility and conversion rates.


Craft a header message alone in a large font, at the center of your website, and if required, add an image below your text.


Create a large CTA button with a colour-fill to improve conversion rates


Use a clear and contrasting colour on your CTA button to capture your visitors' attention.


Instead of a word or two, construct a short phrase on your CTA to improve your conversion.


Design your CTA button in a unique shape to grab the attention of your visitors.


If your product or service requires using an app, add the relevant store buttons on your header section to direct your visitors straight to the relevant app store page.


Add an email sign up form in the header section so you can follow up with visitors in case their onboarding/registration is incomplete


If you are using a sign up email form in your header section, highlight the input form box to catch your visitor's attention.


Display an image of your product next to your tagline, to give your visitors a nice preview.


Create a GIF of your product user flow to give your visitors a live instant demo.


Use a colourful and jovial illustration to describe your product or service


Attach an authentic image of your product or service in action.


Insert a relevant background image with your header message on top to make your header creative.


If you have created a video for your product or service, embed it onto your header section.


Add a background video of your product or service to get your visitors engaged


If you have added a new feature or a blog post, use the space between the header title and navigation menu to display your message.


Display your clients' logos in a single neutral colour to make you landing page look uniform and neat


Include review scores along with the logos of your customers to increase the credibility of your product or service.


Come up with a sweet and short headline text beside your clients' logos, give them a uniform colour, and ensure they're evenly spaced out, in order to neatly present your clientele


Describe your benefit using a short and crisp sentence, to improve readability for your visitors.


Write the titles of your benefits in larger font sizes.


Writer shorter sentences and make use of the wide space to clearly present your benefits message. This improves readability for the visitors.


Simplify your benefits section by adding a relevant icon, title, and short description for each benefit and display them in a row format next to each other.


Display your benefits in a simple row format with just an icon, a title, and your message.


Add simple icons to each benefit and display them in a row or two.


If you wish to explain more than three benefits, use multiple boxes, to prevent your visitors from having to scroll


Explain each benefit with a bullet point, tick, or a relevant icon to break down your text into smaller parts, so it's easier for your visitors to read.


Use a vertical tab feature to display your list of benefits, and explain each one in detail when your visitors click on them


Insert an image of your product and display your various benefits on either side of the image. You can then number each benefit or link it to the product image with an arrow.


Create a tab feature to display the titles of your benefits, and when visitors click on each tab, describe the benefit in detail.


Place a real image of your product/service to present your benefit more visually.


Use a relevant icon to describe each benefit on your landing page.


Attach simple illustrations to explain each benefit visually.


Create GIFs to make your benefits more compelling and visually easy to understand.


Display a relevant screenshot of your product beside your message to offer a more in-depth explanation of your benefit.


Use a real-life image of your benefit and also place a screenshot of your product which relates to it.


Use a real-life background image and write the benefit on top of this image.


If your website's background colour is light, use a dark colour for the benefits section to highlight them better and attract the attention of your visitors.


Add a background box for your benefit, and display the text as well as the image inisde it. This box help the visitor focus on each benefit.


Add a CTA/link to each benefit to monitor which ones are clicked frequently, and also to increase your conversion rates.


Highlight key words in your testimonials that are relevant to your product or service


If you have more than ten testimonials, display them in a vertical scroll to make it viewer-friendly


Display one testimonial at a time with a large font


Add your most relevant testimonial as the section title and display the other testimonials below it


Include an image and company logo along with the testimonial to make it look more professional


Insert ratings/feedback to the testimonials section to increase your product or service's credibility.


Upload photos of customers using your product to show authentic social proof.


Draft a title with a large font and numerical stats that will grab the attention of your visitors.


When possible, add a photo, title, and company name of the person who has given you a testimonial.


If you have a video testimonial, add in a thumb nail picture of it with a compelling one-liner


Utilise your most relevant testimonial with a large font and in between two sections, to emphasise the significance of your product or service.


Use a contrasting and bold font to make your testimonial stand out and catch your visitors' eyes


Highlight your 'get started' section with a bright color to catch your visitor's attention.


Use creative illustrations to encourage your visitors to sign up from your 'get started' section.


Insert a background image to your 'get started' section to draw the attention of the visitors. These images will convey a stronger emotion and help improve your conversion rates.


Use a question as the title for the 'get started' section. Asking a question and then providing a CTA will increase the conversion rate.


Write a quirky headline that emphasises the ease of signing up.


Use large and bold fonts to capture the attention of your visitors.


Create some compelling copy on your CTA button to persuade visitors to sign up.


Mention key points in this section such as '30-day free trial' or 'no card details required' so that you encourage visitors to sign up


Instead of leading your visitors to a sign up page, add the required forms in the 'get started' section of your home page, to ease the sign up process


Add an email form in your 'get started' section so you can follow up with visitors in case their onboarding/registration is incomplete.


If your website has only a few pages, design a simple footer with a vertical menu list.


Space out the menus in your footer evenly, to make the it look more balanced.


Employ two different background shades in your footer section, to space out and display all your required menus and text.


Create a quirky footer to grab the attention of your visitors.


Add in a newsletter subscription form in the footer so your visitors can sign up for future updates.


Insert a CTA in your footer section to increase conversion.


Use a 'Made in' or 'Made with' line to your footer, to add a personal touch.


Add a basic FAQ section to the bottom of your landing page to present more information to your visitors.


Adding a transparent pricing section to your landing page will help your visitors make an informed decision sooner rather than later.


Wherever possible add a use-case section to your landing page to educate your visitors on the various use cases of your product or service.


Construct a compelling case study and add it to your landing page. Also add measurable results you've helped your client achieve, to the title of your case study


Present a feature-comparison table with competitors to help your visitors make informed purchasing decisions


Insert key metrics you have achieved, to help visitors understand the value of your product or service.


Make use of a ratings section to display ratings from public review websites. These ratings will help build the trust among your users and enhance credibility of your product or service.


Insert a newsletter subscription email form at the bottom of your landing page, to help visitors subscribe to new updates. This will help convert subscribers to paid users in the long term.


If your product integrates with other tools or products, make sure to display it as these integrations will help your users automate and optimise their work.


Add a countdown timer to insert the fear of missing out among your visitors and increase conversion rates.


Use hand-drawn shapes or arrows to prompt your visitors to click on a particular component on your landing page.


When possible, throw in some humour on your landing page as gentle humour creates a positive user experience and helps with conversion.
